Booktrackr Part I Getting Set Up

In this post, we’ll go ahead and set up Booktracker’s build.

Introducing Booktrackr

I’m starting a new series that will chronicle building a modern Java application, called Booktrackr. Like it sounds, Booktrackr will be a way to keep track of books you’ve read along with notes on those books.

Fundamental Concepts Underlying DynamoDB

This post, part II of the DynamoDB series, will talk about what you need to understand in order to use DynamoDB effectively. Like I mentioned in Part I, you have some work to do in developing your application in such a way that you are able to use DynamoDB effectively.

Introduction to Amazon's Dynamo DB

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 5 years, it’s no big secret that NoSQL databases can be a good choice for a certain class of data storage solutions. In this series of blog posts, we’ll take a look at Amazon Web Services’s NoSQL database, DynamoDB.

Thoughts and Observations on iOS Development

My first iOS app, Amatracker, is currently in review in the app store. It’s nothing fancy; just an app version of the paper workout trackers we use at CrossFit Amatak. Hopefully I can add a link to it in the App Store soon, but in the mean time I thought it would be a good time to write down a few observations about the process. Bear in mind these are coming from the perspective of a developer who writes Java for his day job.